Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Baby updates

Mike and I have been getting a little slack for not sharing any belly pictures or updates about the baby's growth....therefore, I've decided to attempt to create a blog in order to share in our excitement in preparation of the baby's arrival for all the family and friends living far away.  Bear with me as I attempt these updates, because I'm slightly computer challenged and may need patience in posting. The bottom picture is 24 weeks along. The top picture is 28 weeks along.

1 comment:

  1. I'm having a hard time getting any work done, because I can't stop looking at these beautiful pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His looks are changing. He's so alert! I see more of Michael in him now, but there is still the Brad/Kristen connection! Please bring him to Wisconsin soon. I want to get my hands on him. He needs some kisses too.
